IT Gawker

Tree Services, Garden Store, Landscaping, Lawn Care

Today we take a look at Tree Services Annapolis, They are a full service  company as you can see from the title. They have various tree services, a garden store, and do landscaping and lawn care. What more could you ask for?

All the services make sense as a combination because they all grow out of the same core competencies. And with trained arborists on the staff with over 50 years experience, they can guide all the services offered and solve any problems that come up.

Lawn Services

The lawn services include all the standard services, mowing and trimming, aeration, pruning, edging, flower rotation, fertilization, overseeding, and insect and disease control.

Tree Services

Trees can have the biggest impact on property values and really make a difference in the way a property looks. Tree Services Annapolis does tree removals including stump grinding. They can bring down trees in a controlled fashion a bit at a time and not do any damage to plantings or buildings near the tree. They also do pruning, cabling, bracing and shaping to make the tree healthier and look better. For trees with problems, they do air spade and fertilization, root invigoration, and micro injections as well as insect and disease indentification and control. Lightning protection systems are also a specialty. Lightning can kill or damage and disfigure a tree. Then you have the expense of removal and a long time before a newly planted tree grows back.

They can also clear lots, cut up any trees or branches for firewood, do planting of trees, do risk assessments, debris removal and mitigation of damage done to plantings during construction.

Landscaping Services

Tree Services Annapolis also has landscaping services including, grading and sodding, seeding, shrub installation, professional design services, perennial gardens, walkways, patios, walls, low voltage lighting and water features.

Country Garden Store

Finally, they have their own country garden store where you can find a range of plants and shrubs as well as knowledgeable plant and tree experts and landscaping technicians.

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